5 Best Essential Oil Blends for Sinus Headache and Nasal Congestion

oils for Sinus Headache and Nasal-Congestion

As you all know, a sinus headache is the biggest issue. The people who are affected by this disease only feel the real pain of this disorder. We can’t say that it is an incurable disease. Nasal congestion is the main symptom of sinus headache. Here I am going to tell you the 5 best Essential oil for Sinus Headache and Nasal Congestion.

1. Lemon Essential Oil( $6.99)
lemon - essential oil

Lemon Essential oil is the best remedy for sinus-related issues including sinus headache. It cures all issues related to the respiratory system. It strengthens the immune system. The lemon essential oil has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. Lemon has high-level calcium, Vitamin C, citric acid, and citric acid. These extracts are powerful toxins and germ fighters. That destroys the bacteria which leads to nasal infections.

How to use it?

Add Lemon essential oil with carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio.

Apply it on the throat and chest. Daily repeats this several times.

You can also use this lemon essential oil through a humidifier, direct steam, or diffuser.

2. Lavender Essential oil ($16.89)
lavender-essential oil

Lavender essential oil gives relief from many diseases including the sinus. It is the best remedy for sinus headaches. Because it gets rid of all allergies which cause sinus.  It gives relief from tension, insomnia, anxiety, headache, restlessness, and stress. This oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. As you all know, the lavender essential oil is also used to cure some neurological disorders.

How to use it?

Lavender Essential oil is only for external use. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Aromatherapy: Add few drops of lavender essential oil to your diffuser.

Massage: Add lavender oil with coconut or almond oil and massage it.

Sleep-aid: Spray few drops of essential oil on your pillow and inhale it. So that you can get soothing sleep.

3. Peppermint Essential Oil ($5.84)

Peppermint essential oil will make you cool and calm. When you apply it around the forehead and temple areas, it will increase blood circulation and reduces sinus headaches. It also reduces the contraction of muscles. It gives relief from tension and stress. This oil will not give any side effects. This is a less expensive treatment comparing with other common headache therapies.

How to use it?

  1. Add a few drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil.
  2. Apply this mixture to the forehead to reduce headache.
4. Rosemary Essential Oil ($7.99)
resemary - essential oil

Rosemary essential oil reduces stress and anxiety which leads to a serious headache. This oil even gets rid of hidden causes of sinus headaches. It reduces pain, tension, convulsions, sleep disruption, and jerking muscles. This is the quick solution for sinus headaches. It will completely cure sinus headaches and all allergies related to sinus headaches including nasal congestion.

How to use it?

  1. Add one drop of rosemary essential oil with warm/hot water (or) add two drops of essential oil with two drops of coconut oil and peppermint essential oil.
  2. Apply it to the forehead, temples, and neck to get relief from headaches.
5. Eucalyptus ($14.95)

Eucalyptus essential oil gets rid of harmful toxins from your body. It opens up blocked nasal airways which are the main reason for sinus headaches. applying/inhaling eucalyptus will help you to improve your mood. You can use this to cure runny nose and it is also used to clear lungs. It also reduces the pain related to respiratory disorders.

How to use it?

  1. Add few drops of eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil (Coconut/almond oil).
  2. Apply this mixture to the forehead, chest, temple, and back of the neck.
  3. You can also use this with your diffuser.
Final Verdict:

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