Make Your Own Shampoo: Homemade for Hair Growth, Oily Hair

home made shampoo recipes

Nowadays, most people are using shampoo instead of using natural powders for cleaning their hair. All the shampoo which are selling in the market is made up of chemicals so that your hair gets some problems like broken hair, dandruff, hair fall, etc. If you want healthy hair, create your own shampoo by using the simple ingredients which are in your home. Here I will tell you the ways to create your own shampoo at home.

How to make shampoo at home

1. Baking Soda Shampoo
  1. 1 tablespoon baking soda.
  2. 1 cup of water.
  3. 1 empty shampoo bottle.

How to prepare

  1. Pour the water into the shampoo bottle.
  2. Add the baking soda.
  3. Shake the bottle very well.
  4. Leave it for few minutes and then it is ready to use.
Directions to apply
  1. Shake the bottle before use.
  2. Massage the shampoo into the hair thoroughly.
  3. Wait for a minute and rinse it.
  4. Make sure you rinse well.
2. Egg Shampoo
  1. Take egg yolks.
  2. Lemon juice or vinegar.
How to prepare
  1. Take the egg yolk and mix it well.
  2. Add lemon juice into that and stir it very well.
  3. You can also use lemon use instead of using lemon juice.
Directions to apply
  1. Massage thoroughly into the hair and wait for few minutes.
  2. Rinse it by using cold water.
  3. If you feel any smell after using this add oil before using the shampoo.
  4. Don’t use hot water to wash your hair because it gives more smell of egg.
3. Coconut Milk Shampoo
  1. Coconut milk.
  2. Olive oil.
How to prepare
  1. Take a bowl and add the coconut milk and olive oil together.
  2. Mix both the ingredients very well.
Directions to apply
  1. Massage fully onto the hair completely.
  2. Wait for few minutes until it gets dry.
  3. Rinse your hair with hot water.
  4. It helps to remove the dirt and dandruff in the hair.
4. Coconut and Honey shampoo
  1. Coconut oil.
  2. Aloe vera gel.
  3. Distilled water(hot water).
  4. Raw honey.
  5. Lavender essential oil.
  6. Rosemary essential oil.
  7. Avocado oil.
How to prepare
  1. Take the honey and mix it in warm water. Stir it well.
  2. Then add 1 cup of coconut oil, 1 cup of aloe vera gel, 1 spoon of lavender oil, rosemary, and avocado oil, and mix it well.
  3. Pour it into the bottle and store it in the freezer.
Directions to apply
  1. Shake the shampoo well before use.
  2. Apply the shampoo throughout the hair and wait for few minutes.
  3. Then rinse thoroughly.
5. Coconut oil shampoo for Dandruff
  1. Coconut milk.
  2. Liquid soap.
  3. Glycerine.
  4. Coconut oil.
  5. Essential oil.
How to prepare
  1. Combine coconut oil and glycerine in one boul then mix it well.
  2. Then combine liquid soap and coconut milk in another bowl.
  3. Add the oil and glycerine mixture into the milk boul and stir it very well.
  4. Then add the essential oil and add it to the shampoo bottle.
Directions to apply
  1. Shake well before use.
  2. Just apply the solution to the hair.
  3. Then rinse it thoroughly.
  4. Now you get smooth and shiny hair.
6. Dry Coconut shampoo
  1. Cinnamon bark powder.
  2. cornstarch.
  3. Coconut milk powder.
  4. Powdered oatmeal.
  5. Lavender oil.
How to prepare
  1. Add the cinnamon and coconut milk powder into the boul.
  2. Add the essential oil and mix it well.
Directions to apply
  1. Use the brush to apply the paste to the hair.
  2. Wash the hair after a few minutes.